Sunday, November 18, 2007

Creative Responce C.

Dear Miranda:
Hey Miranda. I recently read your story in my theology class and was very interested by some of the things you did. I'm writing you to mostly state my opinions on some of your choices. I understand that you were truly in love with Michaelis but you rushed your sexual intentions a little fast. Sex in a very powerful thing and I think you gave yourself up really early. Also, you stated that you wanted to owned. I was hurt by this. You can only own yourself because you are you. Being a person in this world does not means that you should be an individual and not lead your life according to others. Next, you were really set on having that baby. I agree with your parents 100% on this topic, there was no need for you to have that baby when you wanted to. Your whole life was ahead of you. Imagine being a college student and a mother. I guarantee that you would have regretted your decision. After your relationship with Mike you kept having sex. Did you really want to do that? Again sex is a powerful thing and you seemed to be throwing it around like a baseball. Drinking and smoking also did not help your situation. I ask you to examine your life more fully. Take a good look at what you truly value and think about your like as a whole. I also ask you to take a look into religion. You need to ask God for help and guidance. Prayer is one of the greatest forms of respect to God and He is always looking out for you. He only wants to help you and protect you. In closing Miranda, I want you to know that there is always second chances in this world and you can make up for your mistakes. Turn to God and always look out for yourself.

1 comment:

Tmart said...

A nice engagement here Brendan with the key ethical issues surfaced in this story.