Sunday, December 2, 2007

Analytical Response C

This review is over Andre Dubes' "Rose." This short story was a very in depth and creative short story. The story was the author telling the story of a woman named Rose. Rose's story was one filled with heartache, happiness, and despair. The story began with an intro about the storytellers life and how he came to meet Rose in a bar by the name of "Timmy's." The author, who goes by no name, was an older man in his fifties who was very friendly and relaxed. He began seeing Rose all the time at the bar he frequented. Over the course of a few visits, the author and Rose talked and Rose told her story. Rose's story was based around her early marriage to a man named Jim and there three children. Rose's struggles were around married life, children, and being tormented by not being the wealthiest people in town. She raised her children in happiness until one single event set off the bad times in her life. When her husband stuck one of the children there marriage began going downhill. After months of the same instances happening it all came to a head one evening. Her husband Jim was very upset at his son for making noise and threw him across the room. When Rose heard the sound she was immediately on the scene and began getting her things together to take the children away. Jim showed further violence when hitting Rose. Rose began to take her son to the hospital and realized she must take the girls with her. She went back for the girls and walked in on Jim setting their apartment on fire. She ran for the children and was successful in getting them out. She returned to car and drove away and in the process ran over Jim and ended his life. She would never see her children after that night because of killing Jim.
The story was very entertaining and enjoyable. The struggles of one woman proved to be very heartwarming. I have to say I liked how Dubes revealed Rose's life over the course of the story. He made the author seem very mystic too. I enjoyed how the story was told, in a bar just the two of them talking and telling stories. I must say there wasn't a single thing I disliked about this story. Dubes is an incredible short story writer who has immense presence in the pages. Compared to Dubes' other stories, this story is very similar, with great characters and description I found this story to filled with great emotion just as "The Fat Girl" was. Both stories contained great stories of real lives filled with tragedy but ended in peace. Moments of grace that I recognized were at the end when Rose wholeheartedly walked out of the bar with her confidence and will. She is an incredibly strong person and that was shown throughout the story especially when she ran into the fire to save her children.

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