Monday, November 26, 2007

Creative response b.

~As in most of your stories, you have a passage that suggests something about the character or about yourself. what are some of the subtle messages in this passage and what do they signify?
-One "subtle passage" that i put into my story was about perfection. Matt Fowler's life was quite normal up until the death of his son, Frank. So this passage was added to show the perfection in his life that had, for the most part, gone down the drain. "The grave was on a hill and overlooked the Merrimack, which he could not see from where he stood; he looked at the opposite bank, at the apple orchard with its symmetrically planted trees going up hill. As Matt was walking away from the symmetrically planted tree's, he was walking away from the "orderliness" in his life.
- Another is subtly emphasizing the reality of life when Matt is about to shoot Richard. Matt realizes the things around him more than ever. Life is so real to him right now ad he does not know what to do with himself. "The turned west, drove past the Dairy Queen closed until spring, and the two lobster restauranst that faced each oher and were crowded all summer and were now also closed, onto the short bridge crossing the tidal stream, and over the engine Matt could through his open window the water rushig inland under the bridge; looking to his left he saw its swift moonlit current going back into the marsh which, leaving the bridge, they entered.
~ Why would you make Matt's character someone who is not necessarily afraid to speak his mind but a character who is not compelled to speak his mind?
Matt was made a quiet character because it goes along with the story. His son was murdered and although he is a fearful father, he takes the initiative to do something about his son, which was not the best idea. When Matt's children were young, he always feared that they would get hurt, but in reality nothing happened to them when they were young. After a while he started to worry about them less and less and in an unexpected way Frank, his youngest son, gets shot. By making Matt a private character, the story is more dramatic for Matt and the reader.
~Why did you make Matt a character that keeps to himself and then at the end, suggest to the reader that nothing has changed in his personality?
-The last sentence of the story is the line that pulls the story together in a way. "He saw Frank and Mary Ann making love in her bed, their eyes closed, their bodies brown and smelling of the sea;the other firl was faceless, bodiless, but he felt her sleeping now; and he saw Frank and Strout, thei faces alive;he saw red and yellow leaves falling to the earth, then snow: falling and freesing and falling; and holding Ruth, his cheek touching her breast, he shuddered with a sob that he kept silent in his heart." I love this line because it has so much symbolism within it and its another one of my "subtle passages." First of all it brings Matt back to when his son and Richard Strout were alive. Memories rush through his head like he rushed to "get rid of" Richard. The snow is like Matt; he is falling in life freezing for a second and then falling. In other words, he is not changing very much. He falls, then maybe contemplates his fall, but then begins to fall again. He has yet to have a revelation. In the last line I chose for Matt not to change because not everyone in life learns a lesson or forgives people, the easiest solution for people is to get rid of the harm and animosity surrounding their life. Everyone wants to be happy, but they do not want to pay the price or realize some of the most important things in life that they are surrounded with.

10 Questions to Consider

1. Asses the guilt/innocence of each character in the story. Do you believe that any one character is truly innocent in their actions?
2. This story focuses a lot on contrasting active sin and passive sin. Do you believe the more sever (mortal v. venial) sins in this story are the active of passive ones? i.e. Murder v. assisting in the murder or disavowing information of the murder
3. Is a sin always a sin or do the circumstances of the action change the nature of the sin. i.e. killing for vengeance of a son or killing for jealousy towards a lover
4. The movie version of this story “In the Bedroom” obviously signifies one very important area/symbol for the story. What do you think the bedroom represents in the story/for different characters/in different scenes?
5. What do you think happens after the story’s end? What do you believe should happen?
6. Were Matt’s actions those of justice or of vengeance? Are the two sometimes the same thing?
7. What significance does retribution seem to hold for the different characters in the story as opposed to Dubus? Do you think the author is in concurrence over the topic with and certain characters view?
8. Is it possible that the outcomes of the story could have been affected by the “by standards” who don’t necessarily take action against someone but who take no opportunity to stop those that do? (Mainly Matt’s wife)
9. Draws some parallels between the motives for Frank and Strout’s murders. How are they similar? Different? Is one more justified than the other?
10. Was it right? (Although simple this question boils down the entire story; it applies to all sub-plots and should be considered through the perspectives of the characters, the author, and finally through you. Decided how these different views compare and contrast with those in your group.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Meaning of Sex in Dubus

Sexuality is one of the main themes of Dubus’ writing. In If They Knew Yvonne, Harry struggles to find meaning in his sexual relationships due to his beliefs in the Church. In Miranda Over The Valley, Miranda also struggles to find meaning in her sexual relationships after seeing the ultimate meaning of sex and love, a child, being taken out of her by her parent’s wishes. In Killings, Dubus shows us Frank, who truly loves Mary Ann and finds meaning in there sexual relationship. In Killings, Dubus also shows us Irony, with the first character who actually loved his lover getting killed by the husband. In these three stories Dubus shows the meaninglessness of sex without a deeper love between the lovers.

Dubus shows the meaninglessness of sex without a deeper love in If They Knew Yvonne. Harry’s education taught him to fear sex as an evil thing. He never thought of sex associated with love. He thought of sex associated with guilt and sin. So it’s no wonder that he did not love the person he was having sex with. Also, it is not surprising that he was soon repulsed by Yvonne, who, being his lover, he associated with guilt and sin. In the end, as illustrated by the crab scene, Harry realizes that human sexuality is not evil and sinful, and if we think of it like that, no love can come from an intimate relationship.

Dubus shows the meaninglessness of sex without a deeper love in Killings. He does this by showing just how meaningful sex is when there is a love present. Though Frank had an affair with Strout’s wife, this is not what infuriated Strout the most. With a gun to his head, Richard does not say “he was sleeping with my wife”, he says “he was always with her”. Strout was most infuriated at the fact the Frank and Mary Anne loved each other.

After reading If They Knew Yvonne and Miranda over the Valley, Richards action of killing Frank in cold blood seems like Dubus’ telling us “sex is not so meaningless when there is love in people’s hearts”. There was no love when Brian cheated on Carrie with Miranda, and therefore no consequences. This time, both Frank and Richard were madly in love with Mary Ann, which made sex not so meaningless, with consequences.

Creative response C. for "Killings"

Dear Matt,
I recently read your story in my theology class and was very intrigued. First, I want to say that what happened to your son was very terrible. But I will not justify your act. What you did in retaliation was very wrong and even worse that the first murder that occurred. One should NEVER settle with justice of their own. Vengeance is a very cruel and hateful act and you exercised vengeance to the fullest extent. I was very hurt by what you decided to do. If God can forgive then why is it that the human race cannot. I understand what Richard did was very wrong but I believe that your should not have retaliated the way your did. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful medicines known to man. By killing another what, what did you solve? You only fulfilled your own purpose. You killed a defenseless man and he begged for your mercy. I believe that because of the vengeance you took out on Richard, God will make you pay. What you did was sadistic and cruel. You lost your mind, you were outside of yourself and made a decision that was based on revenge and hatred. Next time you should think before you act. In the story it seems that you possible got away with killing Richard but know that God will never forget. If you were a real person Matt I would pray for you, I hope God can help you.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Analytical Response D: Comparing Matt With Harry

Matt Fowler, Frank’s father and the main character from Killings is very similar to the character Harry from Dubus’s short story If They Knew Yvonne. Both characters are looking to make themselves feel better and struggle with their self-gratification. Matt’s son has been murdered and justice will not come to the killer, Richard Strout, who will only get five years in prison and still wanders the streets of Matt’s town. To ease his suffering and make himself feel better, Matt decided to kill Richard instead of deal with this pain and try to forgive him. Similarly, Harry uses “self-abuse” and Yvonne sexually to gratify himself and finds that he does not truly love Yvonne at all. Both stories show examples of perversions of what human relationships are supposed to be. Even though it is incredibly difficult to forgive the murderer of one’s son, forgiveness is a very holy thing and to shoot and kill the murderer to ease your own pain is the opposite of forgiveness. It is actually a selfish act, because Matt puts his own happiness above Strout’s life. He realizes this and to kill Richard he must ignore the human love Richard had for his wife and kids at all costs to kill him like an animal. Every time he looks into Richard’s eyes he has to look away from the humanity he sees there. It is incredibly difficult for him to kill. Matt even weeps at the end because he realize the monstrosity of what he has done. Harry is very similar in that he realizes that he has sinned in using Yvonne and not loving her as a person as well. But Harry is different in how he reacts to his sin. He does not cry in his bed but has a new understanding of love, and has a positive attitude, wishing to truly love people in the future. Dubus comments on how we react after we have messed up and been selfish, and these characters both have different reactions.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Matt and Jacob, son of Isaac, talk over coffee, about the loss of a son

"He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commnaded our fathers to teach to their children; that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments." This is found in Judaism and Christianity, Bible, Psalm 78.5-7 and is the connection between our two characters, Matt and Jacob. They are both fathers who are committed to the safety of their families and care deeply for their children.
Jacob meets Matt, shake hands, and after they order their latte's at a local Starbucks, they introduce themselves and without hesitation, imediately talk about their perspective families. They talk about the similarities in parenting and their appreciation of their wives and are both thrilled that they were able to concieve beautiful children to share their lives with.
Matt continues and tells Jacob the story of Frank and his beautiful family and how suddenly and horrifying his death was. Matt can not believe that even after all this time, he is still deeply upset and cannot talk about Frank without tears streaming from his face. He is, at first, afraid to tell Jacob the truth about the incident. He is enjoying his time with Jacob and doesn't want him to judge him harshly but decides to tell him the truth. Matt convides in Jacob and shares the details of his son's death but most importantly tells him for his need to seek revenge and how he killed Richard Strout. Jacob experiences quite clearly the anger and hostility that Matt still holds for Richard. And after a few moments, letting Matt, calm down, Jacob addresses Matt.
Jacob believes the quote especially the important role fathers have to teach their children. Jacob could understand why Matt did what he did but was afraid of the message that it was sending his other children. Matt's actions, according to Jacob, was reacting to the situation, and did not dealing with the issue at hand. The issue is forgiveness. Jacob talked about the works of God and a hope in God and the job of the father to responsibly teach all the children so that the next generations would have an understanding of the power of God. Forgiveness is a quality that God teaches us and that was the message that Jacob wanted Matt to hear while they sat and drank coffee together.
Matt was on his second Latte, wishing he could put something stronger in it, as Jacob continued. He believed that children should follow the example set by parents and was afraid that Matt, because he let his anger and upset get the best of him, was not the best teacher. Jabob understood the grief that Matt was feeling because he too had lost a son. He was separated from his favorite son, Joseph, when Joseph was 17 years old. Joseph was sent down to Egypt as a slave and Jabob found it very difficult to be comforted. Some believed that it was a punishment from God. Jacobs other sons admitted to being jealous of Joseph and sending him to Egypt. Years later all Jacob's sons were reunited and the family was together again.
Matt felt a deeply connection with Jacob after he shared about his own son and realized that he would have to get serious therapy if he was going to be as clear as Jacob in dealing with the death and loss of a child.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Comparison of Harry and Miranda

Dubus’ main characters Miranda of Miranda over the Valley and Harry from If They Knew Yvonne each struggle with similar vexes with sexuality but show some vast contrasts in their personal choices and feelings about their “sins”. While Miranda struggles more so before the sin and then falls apart Harry seems to care more before committing the sin. This, as well as Harry’s wish for repentance, affects greatly how the characters and stories are to be viewed.

One may find it interesting that Harry grows up his whole life in a blatantly more religious life than Miranda does and for this reason fears his potential sin more than she did in the beginning of the story but is perhaps desensitized to the idea of sin and thus feels the affects far less. Harry is so used to hearing about sin that it’s a normal everyday thing and he doesn’t really notice it once his addiction starts. And the fact that he so commonly and without consequence asks for forgiveness and receives it furthers his bad habits. Miranda on the other hand feels much worse about her sin but for different reasons and in different ways.

If They Knew Yvonne is a much more religiously based story and because of this Harry turns to religious forgiveness and also looks to religious sin. He does not, until the end, realize that his sin hurts Yvonne and not God. Miranda is more focused on the earthly world but also because of this does not look for repentance. Miranda fears no god and thus does not seek their approval. In an almost Dante-esque way, she ignores God and chooses sin, thus negating the possibility of repentance (being a divine grace) and chooses a life of sin, torture, and suffering. This is easily the biggest difference between Harry and Miranda as Harry searches for some kind of closure while Miranda simply accepts her new life of complete sin and sorrow.

Creative Responce C.

Dear Miranda:
Hey Miranda. I recently read your story in my theology class and was very interested by some of the things you did. I'm writing you to mostly state my opinions on some of your choices. I understand that you were truly in love with Michaelis but you rushed your sexual intentions a little fast. Sex in a very powerful thing and I think you gave yourself up really early. Also, you stated that you wanted to owned. I was hurt by this. You can only own yourself because you are you. Being a person in this world does not means that you should be an individual and not lead your life according to others. Next, you were really set on having that baby. I agree with your parents 100% on this topic, there was no need for you to have that baby when you wanted to. Your whole life was ahead of you. Imagine being a college student and a mother. I guarantee that you would have regretted your decision. After your relationship with Mike you kept having sex. Did you really want to do that? Again sex is a powerful thing and you seemed to be throwing it around like a baseball. Drinking and smoking also did not help your situation. I ask you to examine your life more fully. Take a good look at what you truly value and think about your like as a whole. I also ask you to take a look into religion. You need to ask God for help and guidance. Prayer is one of the greatest forms of respect to God and He is always looking out for you. He only wants to help you and protect you. In closing Miranda, I want you to know that there is always second chances in this world and you can make up for your mistakes. Turn to God and always look out for yourself.

Questions for the author, Andre Dubus, regarding Miranda Over the Valley

1. Mr. Dubus, being that you are a man, how do you think you accurately portrayed an 18 year old Miranda, especially under her specific circumstances?

I am an experienced writer who found this topic to be interesting and extremely current. I interviewed many young women and feel I do have an understanding of their lives and what they would be feeling. I do feel that I was able to convey that information very believably.
Miranda is like many young women trying to discover who she is alone and who she is in a realtionship.

2. How important is character development to you when writing a short story?

Character development is the most important piece especially when writing a short story when you are limited with words. Each character and their relationship to each other makes the story more compelling with the desire to find out who they each relate.

3. Did you mean to portray Miranda as a insecure teen with no self esteem?

Yes, that is exactly right. She is lost and does not clearly identify herself without having a relationship to others. It seems she needs a man to exist. To say she "is like a piece of chalk" and doesn't want to be alone, "she wants to be owned" really says something about Miranda.

4. Was there a message in this story about Miranda? Maybe the idea that girls should be more careful when having sex at an early age?

No, this story shows what is happening in today's high schools with teenage girls. Miranda depicts every girl out there. There is a message, of course, but that was not the intention of the short story.

5. Why did you have Miranda sleep with her roommate's friend, Brian? Did you want the reader to dislike her?

I wanted the reader to fully understand that Miranda does not feel good about herself and is constantly questioning herself and all her decisions. She even questioned this and I did let the reader see how "messed up" Miranda was especially after the affair. I think the reader does not dislike Miranda but rather feels sorry for her.

6. Miranda obviously had an abortion, with the references to her feeling like "ropes of her own blood trailed from her back and were knotted...and that she could not move forward because she could not go back to free herself." Was this your attempt at symbolism??

There is some symbolism in the story around her relationship with blood but this particular issue and means to an end, having the abortion, was not really about symbolism. Rather it letting the reader understand what Miranda went through when she made the decision to end the pregnancy. It is a very difficult decision and extremely hard for her because she has such a hard time making any decisions.
If Miranda from Miranda Over the Valley met Harry from If They Knew Yvonne, they would form a couple. There parallel immature approaches to relationships would make them a good couple. Miranda, like with Brian, would not love Harry, but would still give him sex to get the company and the comfort of another person. In parallel, Harry would not love Miranda, but still give her comfort and intimacy to get sex, just like with Yvonne.
This relationship would work, at least for a while, because neither person is looking for something the other doesn’t have. In If They Knew Yvonne, the relationship fails because Harry just wants sex, but Yvonne wants an intimate relationship, as illustrated by the scene in Yvonne’s house. Since Miranda would not even love Harry, and would just look for comfort and company, and he would give it to her, there would be no gap between them, and the relationship would hold strong.
The interesting phase of this relationship would be the one when Harry and Miranda grow up from their sophomorish approach to relationships and look for actual love, instead of sex or comfort. I suspect they would break up find new people to see. Having learned that all men are not genuine in their intimacy from Harry, Miranda would seek a man with little sex appeal and a big heart. Harry, on the other hand, having been with this almost whore, who offers her body in exchange for another service, might look for someone harder-to-get, and more independent.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Miranda over the Valley Posts

Theological Response: C
The short story “Miranda Over the Valley” by Andre Dubus is full of moments of possible grace. In the beginning of the story, Miranda has sex with her boyfriend, Michaelis, and becomes pregnant. She then believes she loves him and wishes to have the baby and marry him. However, her parents and Michaelis are not very enthusiastic about this. They realize that she would immediately become an eighteen –year-old mother who is married very young and has not finished college. Also, from the story we understand Michaelis is not very rich; he is a construction worker driving a Plymouth compared to Miranda’s Corvette. A moment of grace seems to occur when Miranda’s parents and Michaelis think they are doing what is best for her and ask her to get and abortion. However, they are wrong and the abortion has a terrible effect on her. She rejects all grace: the free grace she could get from her kind roommate, Holly, the habitual grace she could get from actually going to classes and working hard, and the sanctifying grace she gets from God that is always offered to everybody. Instead, her love is tarnished by her abortion and she falls into a life of drinking and drugs and loneliness. She even rejects Holly’s friendship by having sex with Brian behind her back, which was just for pleasure and not love at all. Since Miranda was unable to marry Michaelis and have his child, she loses her love for him. The story is Thomistic because at each point in the story God’s grace is being offered through others who love Miranda (her parents, Michaelis, Holly), but she rejects the grace of God. In the end, there is a small conversion and resolution on Miranda’s part. She says “I want to do other things. I don’t know what they’ll be yet.” Miranda realizes that having sex with Brian is wrong but she has been so hurt by the abortion that she can’t go back to Michaelis. She has a bit of a Thomistic conversion because she finally sees all the grace that is being offered to her and wishes for a new start. God’s operative grace to Miranda could be met with her cooperative grace in the future, but Dubus leaves that to our imagination in the end.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

team Jesus for life....