Sunday, November 25, 2007

Creative response C. for "Killings"

Dear Matt,
I recently read your story in my theology class and was very intrigued. First, I want to say that what happened to your son was very terrible. But I will not justify your act. What you did in retaliation was very wrong and even worse that the first murder that occurred. One should NEVER settle with justice of their own. Vengeance is a very cruel and hateful act and you exercised vengeance to the fullest extent. I was very hurt by what you decided to do. If God can forgive then why is it that the human race cannot. I understand what Richard did was very wrong but I believe that your should not have retaliated the way your did. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful medicines known to man. By killing another what, what did you solve? You only fulfilled your own purpose. You killed a defenseless man and he begged for your mercy. I believe that because of the vengeance you took out on Richard, God will make you pay. What you did was sadistic and cruel. You lost your mind, you were outside of yourself and made a decision that was based on revenge and hatred. Next time you should think before you act. In the story it seems that you possible got away with killing Richard but know that God will never forget. If you were a real person Matt I would pray for you, I hope God can help you.

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